function Marquee1() { this.ID = document.getElementById(arguments[0]); if (!this.ID) { alert(arguments[0] + "initialization error, please check whether the settings of label ID are correct!"); this.ID = -1; return; } this.Direction = this.Width = this.Height = this.DelayTime = this.WaitTime = this.CTL = this.StartID = this.Stop = this.MouseOver = 0; this.Step = 1; this.Timer = 30; this.DirectionArray = { "top": 0, "up": 0, "bottom": 1, "down": 1, "left": 2, "right": 3 }; if (typeof arguments[1] == "number" || typeof arguments[1] == "string") this.Direction = arguments[1]; if (typeof arguments[2] == "number") this.Step = arguments[2]; if (typeof arguments[3] == "number") this.Width = arguments[3]; if (typeof arguments[4] == "number") this.Height = arguments[4]; if (typeof arguments[5] == "number") this.Timer = arguments[5]; if (typeof arguments[6] == "number") this.DelayTime = arguments[6]; if (typeof arguments[7] == "number") this.WaitTime = arguments[7]; if (typeof arguments[8] == "number") this.ScrollStep = arguments[8]; = = = "hidden"; this.ID.noWrap = true; this.IsNotOpera = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") == -1); if (arguments.length >= 7) this.Start(); } Marquee1.prototype.Start = function() { if (this.ID == -1) return; if (this.WaitTime < 800) this.WaitTime = 800; if (this.Timer < 20) this.Timer = 20; if (this.Width == 0) this.Width = parseInt(; if (this.Height == 0) this.Height = parseInt(; if (typeof this.Direction == "string") this.Direction = this.DirectionArray[this.Direction.toString().toLowerCase()]; this.HalfWidth = Math.round(this.Width / 2); this.HalfHeight = Math.round(this.Height / 2); this.BakStep = this.Step; = this.Width + "px"; = this.Height + "px"; if (typeof this.ScrollStep != "number") this.ScrollStep = this.Direction > 1 ? this.Width : this.Height; var templateLeft = "
"; var templateTop = "
"; var msobj = this; msobj.tempHTML = msobj.ID.innerHTML; if (msobj.Direction <= 1) { msobj.ID.innerHTML = templateTop.replace(/MSCLASS_TEMP_HTML/g, msobj.ID.innerHTML); } else { if (msobj.ScrollStep == 0 && msobj.DelayTime == 0) { msobj.ID.innerHTML += msobj.ID.innerHTML; } else { msobj.ID.innerHTML = templateLeft.replace(/MSCLASS_TEMP_HTML/g, msobj.ID.innerHTML); } } var timer = this.Timer; var delaytime = this.DelayTime; var waittime = this.WaitTime; msobj.StartID = function() { msobj.Scroll() } msobj.Continue = function() { if (msobj.MouseOver == 1) { setTimeout(msobj.Continue, delaytime); } else { clearInterval(msobj.TimerID); msobj.CTL = msobj.Stop = 0; msobj.TimerID = setInterval(msobj.StartID, timer); } } msobj.Pause = function() { msobj.Stop = 1; clearInterval(msobj.TimerID); setTimeout(msobj.Continue, delaytime); } msobj.Begin = function() { msobj.ClientScroll = msobj.Direction > 1 ? msobj.ID.scrollWidth / 2 : msobj.ID.scrollHeight / 2; if ((msobj.Direction <= 1 && msobj.ClientScroll <= msobj.Height + msobj.Step) || (msobj.Direction > 1 && msobj.ClientScroll <= msobj.Width + msobj.Step)) { msobj.ID.innerHTML = msobj.tempHTML; delete (msobj.tempHTML); return; } delete (msobj.tempHTML); msobj.TimerID = setInterval(msobj.StartID, timer); if (msobj.ScrollStep < 0) return; msobj.ID.onmousemove = function(event) { if (msobj.ScrollStep == 0 && msobj.Direction > 1) { var event = event || window.event; if (window.event) { if (msobj.IsNotOpera) { msobj.EventLeft = == ? event.offsetX - msobj.ID.scrollLeft : event.srcElement.offsetLeft - msobj.ID.scrollLeft + event.offsetX; } else { msobj.ScrollStep = null; return; } } else { msobj.EventLeft = event.layerX - msobj.ID.scrollLeft; } msobj.Direction = msobj.EventLeft > msobj.HalfWidth ? 3 : 2; msobj.AbsCenter = Math.abs(msobj.HalfWidth - msobj.EventLeft); msobj.Step = Math.round(msobj.AbsCenter * (msobj.BakStep * 2) / msobj.HalfWidth); } } msobj.ID.onmouseover = function() { if (msobj.ScrollStep == 0) return; msobj.MouseOver = 1; clearInterval(msobj.TimerID); } msobj.ID.onmouseout = function() { if (msobj.ScrollStep == 0) { if (msobj.Step == 0) msobj.Step = 1; return; } msobj.MouseOver = 0; if (msobj.Stop == 0) { clearInterval(msobj.TimerID); msobj.TimerID = setInterval(msobj.StartID, timer); } } } setTimeout(msobj.Begin, waittime); } Marquee1.prototype.Scroll = function() { switch (this.Direction) { case 0: this.CTL += this.Step; if (this.CTL >= this.ScrollStep && this.DelayTime > 0) { this.ID.scrollTop += this.ScrollStep + this.Step - this.CTL; this.Pause(); return; } else { if (this.ID.scrollTop >= this.ClientScroll) { this.ID.scrollTop -= this.ClientScroll; } this.ID.scrollTop += this.Step; } break; case 1: this.CTL += this.Step; if (this.CTL >= this.ScrollStep && this.DelayTime > 0) { this.ID.scrollTop -= this.ScrollStep + this.Step - this.CTL; this.Pause(); return; } else { if (this.ID.scrollTop <= 0) { this.ID.scrollTop += this.ClientScroll; } this.ID.scrollTop -= this.Step; } break; case 2: this.CTL += this.Step; if (this.CTL >= this.ScrollStep && this.DelayTime > 0) { this.ID.scrollLeft += this.ScrollStep + this.Step - this.CTL; this.Pause(); return; } else { if (this.ID.scrollLeft >= this.ClientScroll) { this.ID.scrollLeft -= this.ClientScroll; } this.ID.scrollLeft += this.Step; } break; case 3: this.CTL += this.Step; if (this.CTL >= this.ScrollStep && this.DelayTime > 0) { this.ID.scrollLeft -= this.ScrollStep + this.Step - this.CTL; this.Pause(); return; } else { if (this.ID.scrollLeft <= 0) { this.ID.scrollLeft += this.ClientScroll; } this.ID.scrollLeft -= this.Step; } break; } }